Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Flood Serves Up a Jug Band Breakfast This Saturday

The Flood is coming to breakfast this Saturday morning, and you're invited!

For years now, Dale Jones, the heart and soul of Huntington's annual Coon-Sanders Nighthawks Fan Bash of jazz lovers and players, has invited The Flood to share in the fun by bringing some jug band tunes to the gala's Saturday morning breakfast session. We're doing it again this Saturday!

Named after early jazz pioneers Carleton Coon and Joe Sanders of Kansas City, the annual jazz fest kicked off with Thursday night's free jam. The Friday and Saturday night sessions feature jazz musicians from literally all around the country. On hand this year are old favorites like The Toll House Jazz Band from Columbus, Ohio, The West End Jazz Band (Chicago) with Leah Labrea, A Touch of Dixie from Raleigh, N.C., and Dale Jones' own great Backyard Dixie Jazz Stompers.

This is the seventh year in a row that Dale has invited us to get up early and be part of the fun. For this year's set, The Flood will be joined by our old buddy Chuck Romine on tenor banjo. Shoot, we'll probably even tease a few vocals out of him too.

And watch out -- Br'er Peyton is packin' a washboard. We're jes' saying...

The breakfast is at The Ramada Inn Limited, 3094 16th Street Road. The Flood plays from 9:15 or so to just before 11. Admission is $20 for the breakfast session.

For more information about this year's Coon Sander bash, click here to see a report Dave Lavender story in the Herald-Dispatch.


Other recent blog reports

Some of you report you've occasionally missed one of our blog postings and asked for a chance to catch up. No problem. If you missed any of our other recent reports, click a title below to read that particular back issue:

-- No Sympathy from Symphony. Huntington Symphony vs. The 1937 Flood -- In the World's Most Lopsided Battle of the Bands, uh, They Won...

-- Hip Boots: The Flood's (Self-Produced) Bootleg Album

-- Come to the Jam Session (From The Cybersphere)

-- Now Hear The Flood Radio Show Online

-- Filming the Flood

-- Flood Merchandise: Put the Flood on Your Chest (And Refrigerator!)


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