Friday, August 26, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

Honestly, we don’t know how a band that’s been around for nearly half a century — one that has a special love for novelty and good-time tunes of the 1920s and ‘30s — could have ever missed this one, but the fact is it’s only recently that The Flood has been playing around with this classic from the Roarin’ Twenties. 

Guess it just took our newest members — Veezy Coffman and Danny Cox — to open our ears to it. And we’re sure glad they did.

Friday, August 19, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 This one has really deep roots. About 20 years after The Coasters released this song in 1957, The Flood started fiddling with it one fun summer night. After that, though, it went to sleep again for, oh, a half century or so. 

Then last winter, Randy started singing harmony with Charlie on the chorus and suddenly the song was back, evolving into a fine vehicle for cool solos by Danny, Veezy and Sam.

Friday, August 5, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

Our buddy Doug Chaffin wasn’t feeling too swell earlier this week when Randy Hamilton, Danny Cox and Charlie Bowen landed on his doorstep. 

However, we brought with us a secret medicine just guaranteed to make him feel better. It’s Charlie’s new guitar, a sweet 2016 D’Angelico Excel — a hollow-body arch top jazz box, which we immediately put into Doug’s experienced hands. 

Well, after he’d strummed a chord or two, we could hear Doug already smiling behind his face mask. Listen to him just swinging in the living room on this great old jazz standard.