Friday, August 25, 2023

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 This song has marvelous lyrics by the great Johnny Mercer, as Floodster Emerita Michelle Hoge demonstrates whenever she’s in the room. But she’s not here to sing it, the song also is an extraordinary vehicle as an instrumental

Here from last week’s rehearsal, Danny Cox lays down a lovely melody, then his old friend and our guest for the evening — Bob Murnahan, in town for a visit from his Colorado home — takes a couple of choruses to mine gold in all those cool chords.

Friday, August 18, 2023

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 Twenty years ago this summer, we were in the midst of planning our third studio album, when our friend and producer, the late George Walker, showed up with a rare Cootie Williams recording. 

George thought this novelty tune would a good fit for us. We fell in love with it and learned  it in time for the recording session. 

Ever since then, whenever this song comes to mind, as it did at a recent Flood rehearsal, our thoughts race back to our good times with you, George.

Friday, August 11, 2023

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 For this old folk song, we follow the well-established narrative about a love affair that goes tragically wrong, but we take a lot of liberties with the traditional melody. Well, our unique tune goes back the very beginnings of The Flood. 

When Dave Peyton and Charlie Bowen were just starting out as a duet a half century ago, they found that odd string of chords seem to set just right with their simple guitar and Autoharp accompaniment. 

Since then over the years, every configuration of The Flood has found something new to add to that basic original arrangement. And it’s still happening. 

Just listen to this take from last week’s Flood rehearsal and to what Danny Cox and Sam St. Clair have contributed with their solos.

Friday, August 4, 2023

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 This song has been in The Flood’s repertoire for about 30 years now. 

Early on, it was an instrumental showcase for Joe Dobbs’ fiddle. Then about a decade or so, it was part of Michelle Hoge’s remarkable songbag of ballads and swing tunes. 

Lately, Randy Hamilton has taken over the lead vocals. On this track from last week’s rehearsal, Charlie Bowen brings a little harmony and Danny Cox finds all kinds of interesting opportunities for guitar goodies in those cool old chords.