Friday, June 28, 2024

This Week's Free ie fromThe 1937 Flood

 Some songs turn up at the beginning of a Flood night and gauge the energy in the room. 

Others — like this one — usually come at the end of the evening and give everybody one last blast before they pack up and head for home. 

And oh, be sure listen all the way to the end of this track so you’ll  catch Sam St. Clair’s special end-of-tune sound effects. We think you’ll find they’re right on the nose!

Friday, June 21, 2024

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 When Jack Nuckols joined the band late last year, we knew his dynamic drumming would bring spark and sparkling to our jazzy repertoire, but we also had a secret agenda. 

We were hoping we could also persuade Jack to dust off that fiddle he last played…. oh… 20 years ago so he could bring it to bear on our for folkier numbers. 

Well, he’s not only done that, Jack’s started suggesting tunes that would fit his fiddling. Here’s one, a great old Ohio River tune from the pen of folk composer Dillon Bustin. It’s “Shawneetown.”

Friday, June 14, 2024

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 We rolled into the West End last Sunday to play at a lovely picnic celebrating the 90th anniversary of Huntington’s beloved Sacred Heart church. 

For that do, we wanted to supplement our usual musical fare with a health supply of religious numbers. Topping the list was one of the oldest tunes in our repertoire.

Friday, June 7, 2024

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 Some tunes have really deep roots in the Floodisphere. 

The late Joe Dobbs loved this song. In fact, Charlie Bowen remembers jamming on this one in Joe’s music shop on its original West 14th Street location in the late ‘70s. 

It’s also the first song that the great Doug Chaffin played with us a quarter of a century ago. And Sam St. Clair still talks about Chuck Romine loving it; ol’ Doctor Jazz sure did tear it up on his tenor banjo. 

Now Sam and Charlie have introduced it to a whole new generation of Floodsters — just listen to Randy Hamilton and Danny Cox and Jack Nuckols rocking on “Somebody Stole My Gal!”