This week's freebie from The 1937 Flood jam session features an old tune from a new friend.
From Chesapeake, Ohio, N.F. Brown -- everybody calls him "Nerf" -- first dropped by the jam session a few weeks ago and for most of that evening, he just sat quietly in the corner strumming his Taylor guitar. It was only near the end of the night, after many of the regulars had already gone home, that Nerf offered a tune -- and blew the doors off the place with his big, beautiful voice.
Right then and there we told him he had to come back and next time sing earlier so more folks would get to hear him. Well, last night was the night -- here Mr. Brown leads The Flood through a great old Josh White standard. Good times, Nerf -- come back any time, buddy! Hear the audio.
By the way, tunes from the jam sessions make up our weekly Flood podcasts. You can subscribe for free and get the music automatically delivered to your computer each Thursday. For details on that, click here.
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