This week's freebie from The 1937 Flood jam session features a funny ballad from old friend, along with some storytelling!
We've not seen our great friend, Mike Smith, for months and months. In fact, since our last get-together, Mike went back home to England to visit with family and friends for three weeks or so. But now he's back in the States and last night he came back to his Flood family.
Mike's quite a musician. In addition to playing a lyrical fiddle, he also stops us in our tracks with his a cappella ballads. Here he takes along on Christy Moore's wonderful song, "A Stitch in Time."
Oh, and stay tuned when the singing's done, because the lyrics inspire Doug Chaffin to tell us a story. Hear the audio.
By the way, tunes from the jam sessions make up our weekly Flood podcasts. You can subscribe for free and get the music automatically delivered to your computer each Thursday. For details on that, click here.