This week's freebie from The 1937 Flood jam session features two hot tunes from a wild and wonderful jam session with the legendary Phyllis Dale, the original Red Hot Mama of the Delta Queen riverboat.
It was more than 15 years ago when we met singer/pianist Phyllis Dale. For more than a decade, every night Phyllis played whatever the crowd wanted when the passengers gathered for the after-hour parties in the Delta Queen steamboat' great old Texas Lounge. Phyllis is an original, a born entertainer and we've been waiting for years to get her up here for one of our Wednesday night jam sessions. Well, last night was our night, and The Flood's own crowd was enthralled.
These days Phyllis is a world-class travel agent and consultant, on the road all the time with tour groups and adventures. We don't know when we'll get her back this way. But hey, girl -- you've got a standing invitation with party with The Flood. Hear the audio.
By the way, tunes from the jam sessions make up our weekly Flood podcasts. You can subscribe for free and get the music automatically delivered to your computer each Thursday. For details on that, click here.
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