We got a delightful love letter from Liverpool this week! A gentleman named Colin Maddocks — who has the simply perfect stage name of “Grateful Fred”! — dropped us a line to tell us how much he and his bandmates like what we do in The Flood.

Colin is in several bands there in Liverpool — the Irish band HotFoot and a ukulele-enriched ensemble called (you’ll love this!) “Grateful Fred’s Ukelear Deterrent” — and they recently had the great 1960s jug band superstar Jim Kweskin perform there during his mini-tour of the UK. Now, that’s how Colin and company found The Flood; while searching for other covers of Kweskin’s classic tune, “Jug Band Music,” he came upon our website and related online goodies, including this podcast.
“I love the music you make and the sound you get,” Colin wrote us. “And to think you've been playing together so long is wonderful. We're 4 years old as The Deterrents, so we've a long way to go, but we rehearse on a weekly basis like yourselves and, apart from the music, the friendships we've made are a big bonus.”
We couldn’t agree more — and so, to celebrate our new transatlantic friendship, here’s the current version of the tune that brought us all together, a fresh batch of “Jug Band Music” cooked up during last night’s Floodishness.
Oh and by the way, if you’d like to learn more about the good work that Colin and his crew do in the UK, check out his website, www.gratefulfred.co.uk. Keep on picking, guys! Click to hear the tune.
Thanks so much for the lovely mention and for your great version of "Jug Band Music" in the podcast guys. What a thrill. You are an inspiration and a real example of what playing music is all about. Have a great Christmas. Colin :-)