Friday, September 30, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 When we first started fiddling with this tune, it didn’t seem to gel for us. But that was back before our brother Randy Hamilton returned to the fold after being gone for a couple of years. 

 And lately, when we’ve discovered that it was one of Randy’s all-time favorite songs, we just turned the vocals over to him and suddenly “Moondance” has started finding its footing in The Flood. Here’s the latest rendition, with solos by the whole crew, Danny, Sam and Veezy.

Friday, September 23, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 Regular listeners love all those scintillating sax solos by Vanessa Coffman, and with good reason! For more than two years now, this talented 22-year-old has been rocking our repertoire. 

 But member of the her Flood family know Veezy also is a fine singer, as demonstrated in this song that she has brought us earlier this year. Listen as Danny Cox leads us on beautifully framing this lovely vocal.

Friday, September 16, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 Our 2022 take of this old favorite was the very first tune we played on a happy summer evening at the Bowen House just  few weeks ago. 

 Veezy Coffman was just back from a month’s vacation with her family, and can’t you just hear how everyone in the room was so happy to be with her again?

Friday, September 9, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 For us, a perfect warmup song to get ready for an evening of music is one whose chords are familiar enough that we don’t have to think about them too hard, but also give us enough stretching out room so that we can just sit back and enjoy each other’s company. This happy tune from Grandpa’s day checks all the boxes.

Friday, September 2, 2022

This Week's Freebie from The 1937 Flood

 Our old friend and band mate Dave Peyton is much on our mind today, because this is the second anniversary of his death. 

We pay him tribute with a new take on an Aunt Jennie Wilson song that he brought us, gee, decades ago, a version that features Randy’s harmony vocals, and solos by Sam and by our newest Floodsters, Danny and Veezy, along with my first outing on banjo. 

Yeah, everything old is new again and, while the lyrics might say that “Georgie Buck is dead,” darned if his song doesn’t seem more alive than ever.